'The story begins with a calf skin, entire sections of leather, particularly the sides, remain unused and are the main waste products of the leather goods industry. The designer Caroline...
"The story begins with a calf skin, entire sections of leather, particularly the sides, remain unused and are the main waste products of the leather goods industry. The designer Caroline Venet chooses to enhance them, to sublimate the curves, the veins and the marks of life of the animals that this industry rejects. (...) Carefully worked, the neglected material takes on a new dimension, bringing a new sophistication and sensuality to this work table. The different flesh tones of the natural skin respond to each other and contrast on the tabletop with a marquetry, a delicate braid runs along the edge of the tabletop, one feels like caressing it. (...)" by Marion Bley for AD January/February 2021
"Studiofoam is both a research studio and a design firm, offering a unique sensory artistic performance. Oscillating between art and craft, the Parisian studio challenges the potential of materials with an experimental approach in which the relationship to the skin is omnipresent. Generous shapes that evoke femininity, supple textures that invite touch and natural shades with a velvety finish... Ceramic, glass and soft materials are brilliantly and skilfully worked to compose carnal works." GOODMOODS
The desk process comes out of the 'CARNATIONS' research, which experiments the reuse of leather offcuts to highlight leather potential and savoir-faire. The leather marquetry by Audrey Ludwig, leather craftswoman and Compagnon du Devoir, shows the beauty of curves and sides of the animal skin, these leather parts always thrown out by the fashion industry.