Ornaghi & Prestinari

"We force ourselves to think of things as united, to not deprive them of their complexity: to make things cohabit rather than separating them."

Ornaghi & Prestinari (Valentina Ornaghi b. 1986 and Claudio Prestinari b. 1984, Milan Italy) are two Italian artists whose education in architecture and industrial design has meant that their works often consider the balance between art and craft, production and creation, and the industrial and the artisan.

They also embody a tantalizing beauty. Working with materials and developing methods is an opportunity for Ornaghi & Prestinari to experiment with new possibilities. They welcome any constraint intrinsic to the material. The difficulties or solutions to be found become part of the path of production. This interest in how the aspect of form is linked to the essence of material is essential to the dialogue they try to establish with the surrounding reality. The fundamental idea is to make things exist together rather than separately.