Rachel Marks
The delicate wings of the Idea leuconoe, often named Paper Kite or Nymph Butterfly make up the cover of this organic book sculpture. Mostly a butterfly from Asia, a way to escape, fly and travel through materials during a confinement in the artist’s studio. The interior pages are made up of flowers and leaves found in the artist’s garden in Montmartre- documenting the only access to nature during this restricted moment. A way to dream and write the artist’s intimate journey within herself.
"The organic books created during the confinement tell the intimate story of the artist Rachel Marks, who is cloistered in her studio. A reflection on the plant world began to emerge: plants and trees are by definition static, meaning that they cannot move or be moved in space. During the suspended time of confinement, the artist experienced a physical sensation similar to the rooting of a tree. Her body became a plant, frozen in the ground. Through the pages of her organic books, Rachel Marks deploys a writing style that is written in the language of nature, particularly that of the forest, which retains the sensuality of a mysterious, subterranean cellular life.
I believe that art should be used to improve the world and highlight the importance of our earth. Through my work, I encourage my viewers to understand their place in nature."