Rachel Marks
During confinement time became difficult to comprehend- days and nights melted together just as the notion of space became restricted to our small intimate world. We all started to have more reflections about our interior selves- the body in which we live, both its relationship to nature, it’s dangerous fragility and beautiful strength. This confinement diary was a way for the artist to redefine and count time: she carefully picked each rose thorn to create the prickly cover of this organic book. The pages, made from delicate rose petals, all the same color and form, tell a deeper intimate story about the confusion of time, and the interior journey within the environment in which we all live but are so estranged from: the body. The book was started during the first confinement and was finished this month, to mark the end of this imprisoned moment.
"The organic books created during the confinement tell the intimate story of the artist Rachel Marks' confinement to her studio. A reflection on the plant world began: plants and trees are by definition static, that is, they cannot move or be moved in space. During the suspended time of confinement, the artist experienced a physical sensation similar to the rooting of a tree. Her body became a plant, frozen in the ground. Through the pages of her organic books, Rachel Marks deploys a writing style that is written in the language of nature, particularly that of the forest, which retains the sensuality of a mysterious, subterranean cellular life."